fredag 25 januari 2013

Obitiel, the Angel of reaping

Here's a little piece if fiction i've been working on enjoy:

Obitiel is probably one of the oldest mortal beings alive in the galaxy, he was one of the first of the current era space marines the emperor created after the primarchs was lost, one of the first members of the first legion. He commanded soldiers in the Emperor's name during the unification on Terra and helped wipe out the thunder warriors when their time came.
When the great crusade departed he stood proudly amongst the finest officers of the fist legion.
When the emperor discovered Caliban, and was reunited with Lion el'Johnsson, Obitiel was one of the first to kneel before their primarch, it is said there were tears rolling down his face as he did so, finally the first and greatest primarch had been found, now finally the dark angels would be given the place they rightly deserved. Or so he thought, but the lion insisted that Obitiel and many of the space marines that had followed the emperor from Terra would remain behind on Caliban to train the next generation of initiates, the lion figured that the oldest wisest and best must make sure the knowledge they had gained be preserved.
Those left behind didn't see it them same way, they felt that the lion had set them, who had conquered the galaxy for centuries in the name of the emperor, aside in favour for his new recruits who had followed him on Caliban.
The resentment grew and when Luther rebelled against the lion Obitiel was one of the first to swear him fealty. But as we all know Luther's rebellion failed and the fallen, as Luther's followers would come to be called, was scattered though time and space.
Obitiel however was merely scattered though space. He found himself on a backwards world at the western fringe of the galaxy and it is believed he spend several centuries there before being discovered by humans. A rogue trader by the name of Venator Dedicatus found him and rescued him, a favour which Obitiel rewarded by beating down the trader and stealing his ship leaving him stranded on the planet in return.
He had probably intended for the rogue trader to stay lost forever but he underestimated the resourcefulness of Venator Dedicatus, who from debris that had been deposited on the planet by the same warp storm that had brought the fallen there constructed a beacon to signal his plight.
Those who picked him up were members of the dark angels chapter (although chapter records are very vague on which company rescued him). While he knew to much of their secret the dark angels saw much of themselves in the trader so instead of killing him they enrolled him, he would be their eyes and ears looking out for fallen, in particular Obitiel (once again quite who made this decision seems to be mystery).
He never knew the full truth of who he hunted only that it was a space marine that somehow had crossed the dark angels. And hunted he did, from that day until his death nearly a century later (the time dilation of warp travel accounts for Venator's long life) he hunted Obitiel, from one side of the galaxy to the other. Finally Venator and his dark angels allies tracked Obitiel to the mining world Sempura Secundus where he gave his life caving in the mining complex to destroy the fallen (chapter record hold that no less than three fallen where hiding out in the tunnel complexes of the hollowed out planet, though it fails to specify any of them apart from Obitiel).
His story is one told to recruits of the dark angels chapters to remind them that if a mere man can have the will to do what must be done so must they when they one day become space marines.
It was generally believed that Obitiel had been destroyed on Sempura Secundus but roughly one thousand five hundred years later (early m.33) he reappeared convincing several systems in the Segnetrum Obscuras to rebel against the Imperium. The angels of Absolution chapter of the unforgiven tracked him down and while they failed to take him alive back to the rock they claimed to have seen his dead body.
There is an unconfirmed sighting of this fallen during Abbaddon the despoiler's attack el'phanor, but it was later dismissed at the urgings of the grand master of the angels of Absolution.
The angels of Absolution would however need to take back those words when he was once again spotted by members of the the Consecrators Ravenwing in m38 fighting in the 9th black crusade of Abbaddon. When imperial forces reclaim the Antecanis system the Consecrators make battle upon dark armoured and robed space marines led by a man who claimed to be Obitiel. While the ship he probably was on was destroyed by the unforgiven, the Consecrators spends an additional fifty years in the sector officially protecting the system while it rebuilds, unofficially searching for the fallen. In the end they give up and report and unconfirmed kill to the tower of angels.
Obitiel reappeared in the years leading up to the Gothic war committing several planet wide genocides all dedicated to the chaos god Nurgle to whom he appears to have sold his soul. When the unforgiven arrive he is already gone but captured cultists claim that he has been gifted with the ability to steal life from living beings by touching them.
From what is extracted from the cultists it appears that the ancient space marine has found a way to prolong his life. It does however suffer diminished returns, lasting less and less the more he does it. This way he is always kept spreading fear and despair amongst the humans of the galaxy, feeding the god Nurgle with their despair, while himself being freed from the direct fear of death, but kept in a perpetual state of dreading it.
Several similar genocides are reported in the years following the gothic war, but Obitiel's presence is never confirmed. Obitiel's warband has assumed the name the Angels of Reaping.
Obitiel yet to this day stands unaccounted for, he is to be considered extremely dangerous for Obitiel has be granted the true aspect of angel of death by his dark god. Obitiel is one of only a few fallen that it has been decided by the greater circle of the unforgiven that there should be no attempts to take alive. He is to be killed at sight and his body recovered and destroyed. 

And that's it for today.

fredag 11 januari 2013

"For Chaos! Chaos is Strong!"

some of you'll recognise the quote from dawn of war. and yeah its from the cultist squad so guess what I've finished? (actually a few months ago but I realise I haven't got around to posting it yet)

 The Finished cultist squad Anarkus,

  And again from a different angle, note the greenish colour on the flail on the closest guy, when i saw that I thought of the plague censer bearers that the skaven have in warhammer and decided that guy was a nurgle worshipper, and after that i kinda got the idea since green is the main colour of my army and these guys don't have a lot of it I washed all the stuff that didn't seem fitting to rust in green.

 Like the chaos star on this guys mask, and the amulet around his neck. the flamer is washed in fuegan orange and aragax eartshade. that goes for most metal things on the squad.

 Anarkus Himself, his axe was once  again the chaos symbol so I washed it green, as did I with the amulets on his belt and his claws. His white robe didn't end up as white as I wanted it to so it could be more ambiguous I guess but they the Imperium isnt exactly a bright place either.

and thats all for cultists, here are some more (chaos) space marines

 The guy who's shield I didn't show the other day, looks a lot less loyalist with a daemon face on his shield, but its still only a device it doesn't scream chaos space marine. Just hint at it, precisely the way I wanted it.

 Here's another guy from the close combat squad, axe and shield.

And the same guy so you can see his skulled shield, one again, not that Imperial but not a dead give away about his real loyalties.

 One of the marines i actually gave a bolter, congratulations to me! ;)

 And here is his idiosyncrasy a skulled shoulder par, I couldn't resist painting its eyes red. as you see I still need a smaller brush for eyes.

And one of the guys i showed earlier undercoated, now in full colour. I tried to do bloodsplatter by flicking my brush at him but its clearly not my thing.

Now "I have done all I can to show you the ways of chaos"

til next time

tisdag 8 januari 2013

Archaic Space Marines

Hey quckest update in the history of the blog.

I've finished some more of my tactical (and painted them this time)

 I had actually planned to keep the bolters on most of them but since just swapping the hand were a lot easier I did these instead. My brush is a little to large to do the script on the banner.

 I know chaos space marines don't have access to shields but it looked very archaic so i went for it. I should have had a picture where you could see the shield. I'll probably show this guy again next update.

And here are all the marines in powerarmour (or actually one of them is terminator armour) that i've pained thus far.

Now i have to get back to calculating the integers of trigonometric functions... until next time.

söndag 6 januari 2013

and while I'm at it...

Some models either don't fit in my fallen (I'll go raptors for my fast attack) or are options that chaos space marines cannot take. So i finally painted up some marines for my DIY Space Marine Chapter:

The Order of the Lion chapter of the unforgiven:

 They're actually a lot darker and more purple than in these shots, the main worry i have is that they might be to close to prehersy emperors children.

As you can see the scheme is purple and white with details in gold. the inspiration comes from roman heraldry.

We have returned

Ok so i'm not painting black legion, just fallen. and in this case i'm actually not painting but converting. I've been chaosing up the dark angels i got in the dark vengance box and this is what ive done so far. I'm sorry for the photo quality i cant find the charger for my camera so i use a flashlight and my phone camera.

 Tactical Marine, its a little hard to tell but that a head in his hand, I'll probably add some hair over his hand when i get more green stuff. I made that arm years ago for a unit of old chaos warriors (the hunchback ones that wouldn't rank up). The axe hand is from the new chaos warriors.

Filed of the tactical symbol from the right shoulderpad, added a old chaos warrior shouldpad over it, hollowing out the shoulderpad is a time consuming thing which is why I didn't do that many of them.
 One more  a shoulder pad is all i did for this guy, in retrospect I should have hollowed it out some more but the skull pad is probably my favourite.

 Plasma gun guy, changed the head for one from the 'new' chaos warriors with the horns clipped of (horns and chaos stars were the things I tried to avoid since they seemed to chaos)

 Terminator, the loyalist helmets seems a litle to loyalist to me so i removed them (not easy especially not with an dull blade) and replaced them with head from the old chaos warriors, this one is propably my least favourite, I took for to much of the head.
Oh and the shoulderpad is from the usual source (The crux terminatus is as loyalist as it gets)

Sergant Raphael (i believe, but if I ever name him it'll b something else since my warlord is called Raphael) I'm actually pretty fond of him since he looks like a corrupted version of himself. Changed the head the sword and gave him a scabbard.

 Kranon, He seemed to bulky to be in power armour so i skipped the back pack and am going to cover the slot with green stuff and field him as a termiantor lord, i gave him the spare head from the dark angels force commander, i actually was going to save that but i figured since most people want the chaos guys i'll be able to get another one cheap of tradera (swedish ebay)

 Once again head swap and should pad (cant be seen)

 Same here propably my favourite of the terminators, the helmet worked way better on this one.

 Same again, i thought that the maw on the assultcannon would make it look like a better autocannon. The head isnt going to be purple i just stole it form a  slaaneshi warrior of chaos.

The dark angels force commander, has soemthign of skeletor over him with this head, i really like how he turned out.

that's all for now folk be seeing you.