It's been a while but I've finally got those shots of the stuff I recieved from the Myth kickstarter. Also I found my camera, got a new computer (I can write @ again!), and a new worklight.
The thing that expedited my decision to actually post this was the fact that the makitainers from maki games arrived today. Also I recived my wave two of Warzone ressurection, don't know if I've told you about that, as well as three PDFs from the Mutantchronicles RPG reboot which I'd like to review. and I can't really review any of this until I review Myth. Now I still havent finished playing a game, much because the people I live with dont seem to have time to play. But I'll review the minis and the boards.
So what you really are here for:
Pictures! Let's start with the minis.
And first of the servants of the darkness.
These are the minis I recived from the 'crawler' type of enemy, now only the small ones are really called crawlers, but I'll call all groups after the name of the basic minion. There are two kinds of minion crawlers, the close combat and the ranged. It's hard to tell but they are slightly diffrent. I recieved 9 ranged crawlers, and 11 close combat ones. I also revieved four of the scorpion guys, who are lieutenants. The boss "The terror with a tousand legs" is he called, and last a lair.
This is a captain level crawler (Stalker) up close, great mini and really sturdy which is nice, and unfortunatly not true for everything.
This is a ranged crawler, they have poison sacs at the sides of their head. These will show better once painted.
This is a close combat crawler, he has no poison sacs but instead has larger claws.
This is the crawler Lair (I think)
And the terror with a thousand legs.
Here we have grubbers (Orks to any other system, but I guess they wanted something they could copyright), there are three kinds of basic grubber, axe dagger or club and shield. There are 7 dagger grubbers,7 Club and shield grubbers, and 7 axe grubbers. There are also 4 captains, a lair and a boss; Orcneas, master of masters.
Here we have a captain grubber (called Muckers), Had to bend a fair few of those weapons straight after shipping, using boiling water.
Dagger grubber
Club and Shield grubber
Axe grubber
Grubber Lair, again I think so they are never really designated as such.
And Orcneas, master of masters. You'll note his weapons are bent, I have straightened them twice using hot water and they just keep bending back to this. I wish minatures companies would start shipping their stuff as fragile.
These are Sycline, I have very few of them for some reason.
Five 'rogue' sycline and 5 club syclopts, 2 lieutenant sycline, a lair and a boss called Syklopt.
lieutenant Sycline (Sycleech
Sycline lair, I'm pretty sure about this one.
Rodgue Sycline, now these often came with bended legs. And they have also proven to be quite good at bending back after you fixed them.
Club Sycline
And Syclopt
These fellas on the other hand I have loads of, They're called oh so originally (for copyright purposes) shamblers. 7 dagger shamblers 7 bow shamblers, and 8 claw Shamblers. In addition to this 4 captains called soulles, A big miniboss and a boss called Bones (Damnit it Jim I'm a doctor not a Orthopedic).
Soulles, That staff was almost universally bent, but hey atleast it straight now after me fixing it... twice. half of them had broken free of their bases in shipping too.
Claw shambler, sturdier than he looks I managed to make one of these fly across the room and hit the other wall and he wasn't even dented. Got to love plastic over resin.
Archer shambler, Seems odd that he has a ranged attack considering how he's using the bow.
Dagger Shambler.
I think this is the shambler lair.
Big miniboss guy, I can't remember his name right now but I'll edit it in later. (Yardu)
And Bones.
These are some elemental guys, but mechanical. They come in three varieties, earth, wind and fire (Yeah I don't doubt that the imossion of water is a reference to the band). No boss here, he needed be purchased separatly and I'm a poor man. 5 earth 5 fire and 6 wind. Not to mention three huling big lieutenants who appear to be mechanical in nature.
Iao, (Captain)
Lair, again no argument over who's lair this is.
Earth (iathi)
Wind (iathi)
And fire (Sorry stupid puns are just my nature) (iathi)
Skaven... I mean tailless. Anyway rat people, they come in two varieties, dagger and slingshot (nice idea btw). 8 Daggers and 8 slingshots. 4 crossbow lieutenants, 1 minibos 1 lair and one boss know as the rat king.
Crossbow lieutenant. /Rath)
Dagger tailless, notice he's really tail less.
Slingshot tailless.
Tailless lair, it's the most obvious one, there's a rat on the sign.
Keesi (rider) and Ogg (rat thing)
And the rat king, i think this may be a Terry Pratchett reference but could be they are just inspired by the same thing.
Chain Lightning Trap (I think)
Avatar of Winter (frost trap), also notice the bent sword, yep striaghtened that twice, most recently yesterday.
Whirlwind of Steel
Poison Darts
Dragon's Breath
And the most straight forward of all, the boulder trap, a classic worthy of indiana jones.
Now for some bosses that don't belong in a cathergory.
Twilight knight miniboss.
Dog miniboss. (Conner)
Minotaur miniboss (Etrus the Last) That hammer is another of those hard to fix items.
Razorfiend, the first unlocked stretchgoal.
And Urulók the young, a dragon and the hardest boss in the game.
Now on to what we've all been waitng for, heroes.
This is out hero gallery, there are two of each, a male and a female (though the two furries are hard to gender identify). From left to right, Tinkerers, aprentices, brigands, soldiers, adepts and Archers.
Again Apprentices
There are also two other characters who are neither villains nor heroes. companions.
Some torchbearer guy.
And Marcus the ready.
Now lets look at tiles. There are three diffrent kinds of tiles in myth, 4x6, 6x6, and 12x12. These can in turn be combined to six diffrent title areas. 4x6, 6x6, 12x12, 6x12, 4x12, and 24x12.
Let's look at them, niw all shots are taken at an angle so that they cant be used to reproduce the tiles, I hope that will dissuade Merc Minis from asking me to take the pictures down.
All tiles are double sided, I cant remember which ones are original and which ones are from the addons. But let's start with 12x12s
Let's look at them, niw all shots are taken at an angle so that they cant be used to reproduce the tiles, I hope that will dissuade Merc Minis from asking me to take the pictures down.
All tiles are double sided, I cant remember which ones are original and which ones are from the addons. But let's start with 12x12s
Pretty sure this one is an addon tile
and 4x6s
Well there is little reason for me to tell you what's on these tiles you can see that fine yourselves.
So what is my conclusion on the project as a whole? The art direction is great, the tiles are gorgeuous and never have I ever seen miniatures that match the style of the artwork so well. The system I havent had time to test properly yet and will return to you on. If you want to understand the tiles and the rules better then there are some great videos on youtube. My one gripe with the miniatures is the fact that some pretty thick stuff got bent, which must have required quite a lot of pressure over quite a lot of time. As I said earlier I believe that makers of miniatures should really start shipping stuff as fragile. Another gripe is the learning curve of the game, this is not a starter game, it will tell you half the stuff and rely on that you can figure the rest out or make it up yourselves. And that can be quite anoying. Next up is reviewing the makitainers, the RPG and whine some more about Prodos and their shiping (I'm sure they love when I do that) as well as paint all this stuff. Oh and I got to show of my pretty new work light. The thing that made all the miniatures redish in the pics ;)
well until next time folks.
So what is my conclusion on the project as a whole? The art direction is great, the tiles are gorgeuous and never have I ever seen miniatures that match the style of the artwork so well. The system I havent had time to test properly yet and will return to you on. If you want to understand the tiles and the rules better then there are some great videos on youtube. My one gripe with the miniatures is the fact that some pretty thick stuff got bent, which must have required quite a lot of pressure over quite a lot of time. As I said earlier I believe that makers of miniatures should really start shipping stuff as fragile. Another gripe is the learning curve of the game, this is not a starter game, it will tell you half the stuff and rely on that you can figure the rest out or make it up yourselves. And that can be quite anoying. Next up is reviewing the makitainers, the RPG and whine some more about Prodos and their shiping (I'm sure they love when I do that) as well as paint all this stuff. Oh and I got to show of my pretty new work light. The thing that made all the miniatures redish in the pics ;)
well until next time folks.
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