fredag 11 januari 2013

"For Chaos! Chaos is Strong!"

some of you'll recognise the quote from dawn of war. and yeah its from the cultist squad so guess what I've finished? (actually a few months ago but I realise I haven't got around to posting it yet)

 The Finished cultist squad Anarkus,

  And again from a different angle, note the greenish colour on the flail on the closest guy, when i saw that I thought of the plague censer bearers that the skaven have in warhammer and decided that guy was a nurgle worshipper, and after that i kinda got the idea since green is the main colour of my army and these guys don't have a lot of it I washed all the stuff that didn't seem fitting to rust in green.

 Like the chaos star on this guys mask, and the amulet around his neck. the flamer is washed in fuegan orange and aragax eartshade. that goes for most metal things on the squad.

 Anarkus Himself, his axe was once  again the chaos symbol so I washed it green, as did I with the amulets on his belt and his claws. His white robe didn't end up as white as I wanted it to so it could be more ambiguous I guess but they the Imperium isnt exactly a bright place either.

and thats all for cultists, here are some more (chaos) space marines

 The guy who's shield I didn't show the other day, looks a lot less loyalist with a daemon face on his shield, but its still only a device it doesn't scream chaos space marine. Just hint at it, precisely the way I wanted it.

 Here's another guy from the close combat squad, axe and shield.

And the same guy so you can see his skulled shield, one again, not that Imperial but not a dead give away about his real loyalties.

 One of the marines i actually gave a bolter, congratulations to me! ;)

 And here is his idiosyncrasy a skulled shoulder par, I couldn't resist painting its eyes red. as you see I still need a smaller brush for eyes.

And one of the guys i showed earlier undercoated, now in full colour. I tried to do bloodsplatter by flicking my brush at him but its clearly not my thing.

Now "I have done all I can to show you the ways of chaos"

til next time

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