onsdag 19 februari 2014

and the winners are...

... a total disappointment. Well maybe it's just me but the winners of the poll I mentioned last time are the following

Bauhaus - Noble Officer, Templar, Venusian Ranger
Noble officer is fine, templar is nice, but Venusian ranger? folk you do know you can get 5 of those in a box from Prodos already right?

Imperial - Blood Beret, ISF Field Agent, Wolfbane
ISF agent is fine I guess but both Blood Berets and Wolfbanes will have boxes when prodos release Imperial, why do we need more of those?

Capitol - Luna P.D. Detective, Free Marine, Veteran with attitude
Luna P.D. I can live with but isn't a free marine a veteran with attitude, do we really need both?

Mishima - Ronin, Demon Hunter, Shadow Walker
Ronin are already in warzone, demonhunters are monsters with 4 arms that are slated for release in warzone. and Shadow walkers I can live with but they are also very likely to show up for WZR in time.

Cybertronic - Technologist, Attila, Field Asset
The category of no real choices, technologist sure, no idea what that really is but sure, field asset again very open ended but sure. But Atilla? That's a cuirassier, an AI, and not the data kind or even the terminator kind but the mindless kind. Who would want to roleplay a character without personality?

Brotherhood - Keeper of the Art, Inquisitor, Sacred Warrior
Inquisitor works find, keeper of the art is good, but again Prodos already makes sacred warriors, I don't see the need for another.

But that's just my breakdown. Until next time

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