söndag 23 november 2014

I have returned!

Hello people it's been a really long time since I last posted anything here, well the thing is loads of things has been happening, my old computer broke and I could not afford to replace it, I also moved since I last updated... twice actually. But once was just to a different room in the same house so it might not count as much. Well now I have a computer again, one of my housemates let me borrow his old mac, I really appreciate it, though macs aren't really my thing, I'm more of a computer guy.

So what has been happening? well the First time I moved I shipped of all my miniatures to my parent house, where most of the stuff still is, in my first room in this commune I live in was simply too small for me to store them of work with them, my new room is much larger and thus I'll when I get the opportunity move most of the stuff back here. But that doesnt mean that all hope is lost, while I still was a wealthy person with a stable income I signed up for a bunch of kickstarters and now about a year later the stuff are finally beginning to arrive (all these mentions will have embedded links as I add the corresponding articles).

I've previously reviewed the Mutant Chronicles Warzone Ressurection kickstarter, and they have now sent me their second wave. I'll go in on more detail on that in a comming post.

I also helped Kickstart Myth, which I'll be reviewing once I've had a chance to properly learn the game (Our first attempt ended with us clearing one tile in three hours).

But the thing I'll review first is the thing that arrived last, yesterday to be specific. The Tablescapes™ * tiles from Secret Weapon Miniatures. I'll post my review of those in the coming hour.

Well see you in a moment.

*The reason I do the ™is because the computer I use now for some reason spout that every time I try to write a @ which annoys me to no end so now when I get a chance to finally use this quirk to my advantage I will, every time I do it's not becuase I care about trademarks but because I'm venting my frustration at the lack of being able to write @. Now of there are any mac users out there who knows why this is happening: Help my Obi Mac Kenobi, you're my only hope!

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