fredag 16 augusti 2013

Algeroth Nepharite

Lo again folks just thought I'd update you on my first finished warzone miniature, and without further delay, here's an old school Nepharite.

 Now when painting evil minis most people reach for a red or a brown and then as dark a metal colour as they can get. I wanted to avoid that so I went for a standard of chainmail rather than boltgun metal on this guy and then shaded it with nightshade. I'm not entirely sure about the purple skin at the moment but I think I'll leave it on this model regardless, he is a pain to paint simply because he's heavy and tends to start chipping while being painted.

And from the other angle. Astute viewers will notice the Algeroth runes have a slight blue tint they have been washed with blue ink before the nightshade wash (the wash takes the shine of the ink), the one on his abdomen have as well but it's not that easy to see.

And one from behind, now if you'll excuse me I'll stick this guy on the top of some shelf and not touch him until I have bought some hardcoat, because if I didn't mention it this guy has a habit of chipping.

I'll probably have another mini up before the end of the day. But Until next time.

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