wolfbane heavy weapons specialist. This is one of the miniatures painted in enamel, the hair is painted in GW acryllics though.
One of the crewmen for the unholy cannonade i pactically dipped him in goblin green, what a painter I was.
Another crewman and propably my favourite warzone miniature, I dont know it's something awesome about a robed skeleton on a desert base.
as I said i really like this guy he looks so ominous, and y idea of painting back then was painting half the model in red gore. My first or second pot of GW paint ever by the way. I remember painting a space ork in Red Gore, I had no idea they were suposed to be green. I painte dhis clothes green though... scorpion green, my second pot of gw paint ever (or first if Red gore was the second)
Did I happen to mention scorpion green? Yeah I know. I'll be sticking this guy to a large and quite busy base to avoid him looking small on a 40mm base (which is what stalkers in WZR will be fielded on) it'll also add some height and help me avoid players complaining how I'm exploiting true line of sight. Oh and it's a praetorian stalker.
Illian templar with templar mace, same thing againb, not a good painted when i did this guy but atleast i knew that you could paint them more than one colour. Note how the tilted base means he gains more momentum behind his swing. If you scroll back up you'll see I did the same on the wolfbane with the sword. I'm so tired of seeing heroically posed minis on stones facing upwards, why would they do that? Are they trying to reach someone tall? Now I get it if they're fightign a dragon on a diorama but otherwse, no just no. The only worse thing is shooting minis doing the same, why would you stand up on a stone and be a target unless it's to get some extra range on a charging enemy?
Illian (I think could be semai) heretic. For the reasons above he's on a quite plain base.
Running heretic, open base cause a running person is usually crossing open ground.
Same mini again? Nope if you look the base is different, the heretics come in only two varieties. This one is standing on a more scenic base and note he is again facing slightly downwards as if taking short on an enemy who's charging him.
And another of the running heretic, this time on a rocky base, simpy because I wanted him somewhat different from his clone.
Another crewman, the necromutant, from the unholy cannonade, now I've glued this guy to his base and I'm not certain I should have done that becuase what if i want to use him as a hero level necromutant until the canonade is released (and that might be years).
I might consider removing him from his base and magnetizing him actually, I'll have toi think about it.
Nepharite of Algeroth, this guy is massive, now if his pose had just been a little more dynamic he could've been a really awesome mini. But even as he is he's very nice, i chose an open base and positioned him far back hoping to give him a sense of movement but I'm not sure it worked.
Immaculate Fury. Yeah he's tilting I wanted to give the impression he was walking up the slop when he heard something and turned to bring his nazgaroth down on whatever unfortunate creature it was that drew his attention. Problem is the mini is pretty easy to knock over I might have to hollow the base out and add some extra weight.
That's it for today... oh yeah the bases are from secret weapon, really nice now I just need about a hundred more of them when my WZR minis show up, and even ore when my raging heroes minis show up. I need to stop doing kickstarters.
Well until next time!
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