1. Dark Legion Miniatures
2.Dark Legion Cards
3. Brotherhood Miniatures
4. Brotherhood Cards
5.Bauhaus Miniatures
6.Bauhaus Cards
7. Misc Miniatures
8. Misc Cards
9. Rulebook from a non rules perspective
Part three of my review warzone series part two is found here.
Ok now on to brotherhood miniatures. I won't be assembling or painting these until I van get my hand on an airbrush, I want them in white and I am really bad at getting a smooth coat of white with a brush.
Well enough chit chat let's look at some pictures.
This is the very fine box I get them all in, the writing is my own they didnt come sorted after faction (although they almost did), I did that, when I was supposed to be practising on my one dimenisonal analysis, kind if like right now (though now it's linear algebra I should be working on)
Sacred Warriors! Except for the fact that a lot of parts had been knocked of the sprue and some bent swords (which I'll straighten out with some hot water), they are in perfect condition. You don't need me to tell you they're very nice minis you have the pictures.
Inquisitors, slightly bended chain-saw thingies on those weapons thatI should know the name of but I cant remember. Much less so than the swords of the sacred warriors though so no problem, I heard some had had problems with the cloth things on the left, I have no idea how they got those bent because they're fairly thick.
Crucifier, only problem is a large bubble in the cloak but I intend to make it larger and write it of as battledamage. By working with the faults that are already there you get unique miniatures.
Judicator, no problems with this guy aside from again a slightly bent sword (see next picture), I cant stress hpw good looking this mini is, if there is one mini that can give Alakhai a run for his position as most awesome mini in WZR then it's this guy, the crispness of the detail that is one of the reasons that the swords are bent or broken (we'll get there) comes into it's own and becomes something very positive on these larger sets. the shoulder-pads and cloak of this guy just look great.
Yeah the bent sword as I said again nothing hot water won't fix.
Brotherhood warriors, in prime condition.
Cardinal Dominic, I want you to look at his face, isn't that level of detail awesome? This is how you make a cruel looking man. Games-workshop, I hope you're watching cause you're starting to lag behind people like Prodos (as well as others) and sooner or later that will come back to hurt your sales.
However his sword looks like a snake. However I think that's the last mini with a bent sword (yay!)
And another unit of brotherhood warriors.
and on to brotherhood cards.
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